Monday, November 13, 2017

Ignorance is not bliss

Social media has its pros but also its cons, unfortunately. Thanks to the Internet there are many people that are able to get away with offensive behavior. Social media makes it so easy and common for people to be able to say horrible unjustifiable things and be shared instantly with millions around the world! It is very clear that social media has a serious downside to digital communications. The Ted Talk video “When online shaming goes too far” brings this online reality to light. Its common to read a person nasty comments that it sadly makes it normal for many people to act in such a disgusting way. It is often very easy for people to hide behind a text, snap, post, or tweet. People that say unjustifiable things don't realize the lasting effects they have on people. 
For most people, social networks such as Facebook, and Twitter are used for social interacting and personal expression in a harmless manner. For others, social media is more than just an entertaining way of engagement to the outside world. There are millions of people addicted to social media attention. They live for likes and unfortunately these people don't care if they get their likes in a negative way. They act just like newborns. Newborn babies are extremely dependent on getting their mothers attention. The more their needs are neglected the more they cry. These attention seekers act up in the same way to get attention. They love drama and will say anything to get the attention they seek.
Can social media be an addiction? The answer is yes. What are addictions about? Well, they are all about feeding into a compelling urge. One of the biggest human urges is the feeling of being connected and being part of something larger. Nothing satisfies this urge than to logging on and being social with people at any hour of the day or night. It is so sad that negativity is more popular on social media than positivity! Just as the Ted Talk video “When online shaming goes too far” says, “Social media gave a voice to voiceless people”.
We all are vulnerable being on social media in some way or another. We invite people to judge us by what we post. We need to be mindful of that and as everything in life goes, there are consequences to our actions. It comes down to our morality. Justin Stucco acted immorally but it didn't make it any better than others attacked her for it. As the saying goes, two wrongs do not make a right. As Ronson says in the Ted Talk video “We are both clever and stupid” (Ronson, J. 2017). We as a society have to stop giving in to social media negativity, it's a chain reaction and we must stop it. Ignorance is not bliss….

1 comment:

  1. True but I'm not sure that was the point of his video. It seems to me that the problem lies in what happened to people like Justine Sacco, who was tried, found guilty and executed in the public's eye before she even had a chance to defend herself. It's that very group think mob mentality. that comes from anonymity on Twitter that make it so dangerous.
