Thursday, November 30, 2017

Far from a Twitter Celebrity

Twitter launched in the year 2006 and has been popular since. It is a popular micro-blogging social site. It allows you to send messages to a large number of people all at the same time. There are different types of users from average people all the way to well-known celebrities. Twitter is different from other social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram etc. What makes Twitter different is its famous hashtags. Twitter is not Twitter if you don't incorporate a hashtag in your post. It has become famous for its unique hashtags for example #TwitterPopularity would be one I would use at the end of a Tweet to describe this blog. Hashtags are nearly impossible to avoid you will see them in your favorite TV shows even the Pope has hashtags that's how notorious they are!

Not only is Twitter a different social site because of its hashtags but also being popular on this site is quite hard. On other social sites such as Facebook and Instagram, it is fairly easy to gain friends/popularity. On both of these sites, you can add friends to the contacts on your cell phone. These sites can access your cell phone contacts with your permission. If you do so the contacts in your cell that has either Facebook or Instagram will pop up and you can add them to your friends. Also, you will get friend suggestions from the friends of your friends that you already have on these two social sites. People can friend request you by these same methods and you can also just randomly scroll profiles and send a friend request. These sites practically throw friends at you!

Popularity on Twitter is a little more complex, at least for me it was. In order to become Twitter popular you must work for it by writing tweets others find interesting, funny, or inspiring. In my opinion, its time consuming, it takes a lot of work to gain popularity on Tweeter. You must have a captivating profile, follow others, engage with other followers, and bust out amazing Tweets that are worthwhile to others in order to gain followers and keep them. In my English 211 course, we had a Tweeter competition. We had to create a Tweeter account if we didn't have one, screen shoot our current followers then had to try and gain as many by a certain amount of time. Just my luck I had never tweeted in my life! I had started out my Tweeter with 9 followers and ended the competition with 26 followers even though I tried to make interesting and funny Tweets. I failed miserably! I think the major thing why I failed was because I wasn’t consistent with my posting. Either that or I’m not as funny or as inspiring as I thought. Bummer! I have to say that I favor Facebook and Instagram over Twitter because I don't have to work as hard on these sites for my popularity but if Tweeter is your thing  More power to you...Tweet away!

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