Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Dos & Don’ts as a Healthcare Professional

I’m aspiring to be a nurse one day. I’ve done a couple of healthcare courses and have a passion for the medical field, which is why I was so disturbed by a Facebook post I saw early this morning. This post was over an article called “Naval nurses booted over disturbing pics, posts on ‘mini Satan’ newborns.” I was very disturbed by this article for several reasons. As a mother I was horrified that these nurses, that are suppose to be trusted healthcare individuals that you should be able put your trust in to help care for you and your newborn, did the things they did. It’s one thing that anyone does this to a child but another to have a trusted healthcare professional act in such an unethical and unprofessional way.


Surprisingly these nurses aren’t just any nurses, but are naval nurses in a hospital in Florida. They snapchatted pictures of a newborn that was under their care, in the pictures they are flipping the innocent newborn baby off and made comment, “How I currently feel about these mini Satans”. THEY ARE VIOLATING SO MANY LAWS WITH THIS! Imagine if this was your newborn? How would you feel? As a parent I was outraged at their behavior and it wasn't my child that they did this to. I can’t start to think what else these nurses were capable of doing or did with out posting pictures of it!

As a healthcare professional myself, I was disgusted at their behavior.  A healthcare professional must acquire some skills. Among these skills, ethics should be on top of the list.  Ethics is doing what is right always even when no one is looking. Being compassionate, helping others, respecting patients wishes even though you don't agree with them doing good for others, and treating all patients fairly with equality are among ethics. These nurses failed miserably at them all. To be acting so irresponsibly with a baby that is not able to fight for itself is so wrong in every which way.

Image result for ethics

I personally have experienced some malicious acts with health care professionals. The most shocking to me was during my clinicals as a nurse’s aide in a nursing home. A nurse’s aide was helping a patient with wiping her bottom after using the bathroom, this nurse aide wiped the patients bottom with germicidal wipes. These wipes have chemicals that are meant to kill bacteria and viruses but are harmful if absorbed through the skin. The warning label on the container of these germicidal wipes says to avoid contact with skin because it may cause. This nurse assistant was aware and still chose to use and hurt the patient with them. I was shocked, angry, and immediately reported this incident. Unfortunately in the medical field there are some healthcare professionals like these naval nurses that lack ethics. That is both sad and frightening! I’m glad that the hospital in Florida where these naval nurses were employed took the proper measures of firing them. In my opinion these nurses should not be able to work as nurses again. No parent, person, nor child should have to be mistreated by anyone, especially  a healthcare professional in which trust is put into.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Google has the ability to look back at links that other search engines like Yahoo, AltaVista, and Webcrawler don't have. This ability is what sets Google apart from these previous search engines.

Google is not stingy with people like other large companies are. Other companies try to keep people on their sites and Google does the opposite. Google wants people to not only be able to quickly search for what they are looking but for them to leave be to other sites once they find it. This is one of the reasons that google is successful, it gives people the liberty to have many other options to choose from.  

Monday, September 4, 2017

Social Media: Does it have a positive or negative influence in our lives?

Over the past 10 years social media has grown extremely fast and is now the center of many people’s lives. We certainly have come a long way from using dial-up to log on and getting instant messages on AOL messenger. Thank God there were entrepreneurs and geeks that envisioned innovative and faster means of communicating or else we would still be stuck hearing that famous voice prompt “You’ve got mail” on Aol instant messenger but does social media play a positive or negative role in our lives?
Social media has many pros. It allows us to connect with people we meet at different points of our lives and to keep in touch with old friends that we haven’t seen in years. Currently there are many ways to communicate through social media. Facebook, twitter, instagram, and snap chat to name a few. I personally come from the dial up era and in my opinion it is refreshing to have much better options to communicate with family and friends.
Not only can you communicate but if you want to learn something, you can log on and look it up online. You will have many options to choose from n a matter of seconds. It definitely beats going to the library and spending hours looking up information through books. Social media also allows you to get immediate access of information from things happening all over the world. When something important happens in the world you find out through social media. Just by spending time on Twitter or Facebook you can find out about global issues, economic, and cultural events.
This social platform also allows you to have global interaction. Before social media the only way to have this privilege was if you had the financial means to travel to another country. Through social media we can engage with people from other countries and also establish friendships with them. It also allows people to meet in person that you wouldn't normally. There are dating sites where you can converse with people and meet them in person.
Just as social media has a positive influence on our lives it also has negatives. Social media can be very unsafe. For example on Facebook, you can have many friends on your profile that can see your exact location. They have access to your photos and other personal information therefore your privacy possibly being compromised is a big risk and issue on social media. Fake profiles are another risk on social media. It is very easy to make a fake profile and pretend to be someone you aren’t. Getting stalked and cyber bullied happens a lot through social networks unfortunately. Social media is a ground for offences and crime. In worse case scenarios this has led some people to commit suicide.
It is also very easy to get wrongful information through social networks. The spread of radical news is another risk factor. Lastly, Social media can be very addictive, it can make you waist a lot of time and has also made face-to-face interaction become almost extinct. Chatting online has replaced personal phone conversations. So does social media have a positive or negative influence in our lives? I believe it has both. Social media has its pros as well as its cons. Unfortunately the cons come along with the pros and people should be aware of the benefits as well as the risk factors that come along with interacting through social networks today in present time.